📈Linear Regression: Visualized 😇.

2 min readDec 19, 2021


the art of fitting the best line…

Linear regression is a regression model that estimates the relationship between one independent variable and one dependent variable using a straight line. Both variables should be quantitative.

We feed the training examples to linear regression algorithm and it comes up with parameters θ that make the linear line fit best to the model.

Then we make prediction based on this best fit line on unseen data.

📑There are two types of Linear Regression:


Simple Linear Regression :

In simple linear regression we fit the best line on data that have one dependent variable and one independent variable.

ex. Height vs Weight


Multi-Linear Regression:

In multi-linear regression we fit the best line to data that have one dependent variable and multiple independent variable

ex: Blood Pressure vs (Weight and Age)

Linear Regression Equation’s:

LR Single Variable vs Multiple Variable

Check Out: Linear Regression on House Price

